Travel Grants

Arifa Jahan Ema

Arifa is an Occupational Therapist currently working as a Lecturer at the Department of Occupational Therapy, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute (BHPI). She has clinical experience working with people with disabilities, particularly SCI. While studying for an MPhil in occupational therapy, she received a distinction from Monash University with an Australia Awards Scholarship. Her research interests are primarily in educating a person with disabilities, community reintegration, inclusion, accessibility, employment, and policy on disability. She works as a Governing Panel Member of the ISCoS OT special interest group and occasionally writes in the daily newspapers about occupational therapy and disability issues.

Arifa Jahan shares her experiences from the conference.

Attending the 61st ISCoS Annual Scientific meeting was a wonderful experience. It was my second time participating at ISCoS but the first time virtually. ISCoS provided great options for the virtual attendees, i.e., the availability of recordings even after the sessions was beneficial, considering the time difference. The discussion forums after the panel presentations were engaging, although it was a virtual platform. The pre-conference workshop by the psychosocial group in particular was a fantastic learning opportunity for me as I have initiated a few research ideas on this topic. I talked to several clinicians and researchers from my previous network and made new connections, especially with some of the other SRI grantees, using the chat option. I kept sharing my learning with my fellow clinicians, researchers, and students to strengthen SCI research in Bangladesh. I am thankful to the SRI for providing me with the opportunity.

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