Travel Grants

Dr Camilla Larsen

Camilla Larsen has a background as a physiotherapist. She finished her PhD from the University of Southern Denmark in 2014. She currently holds a senior lecturer and teaching assistant professor position. Her current research focuses on musculoskeletal health, impairment in various degrees (e.g. spinal cord injury) and physical activity in a cross-disciplinary research team. Her focus of research is based on the knowledge and methodological competences she currently possesses and strives to develop further; ranging from mechanical studies and surveys to RCT and systematic reviews. Additionally, she is involved in qualitative research, which provides understanding and competences within this methodology.

Camilla shares her experiences from the conference.

In September 2022, I travelled all the way from Denmark to Vancouver to participate at the ISCoS conference. I was so fortunate to receive a SRI Collaboration Grant, and additional economic support from some of my collaborators made conference participation possible. Attending the conference provided me with the possibility to disseminate and discuss my research results. However, receiving this grant, and attending ISCoS also meant increased awareness of my social media research profile and research area. I now have a larger online platform for disseminating research to researcher’s, clinicians and community. Very importantly, attending the conference has promoted my international network. For example, I have become part of the Special Interest Group for Physical Activity and Disability – which I expect will contribute to the establishment of new relevant projects. Going all the way to Canada, also meant that I have further developed my national network – with new activities planned for 2023.

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