
Dr Mario D’Cruz

It’s been almost 20 years since Dr Mario D’Cruz was involved in a traffic accident that left him with a C5 spinal cord injury. At the time, Mario was working as a surgical registrar at the Austin Hospital caring for patients who had spinal cord injuries and overnight his life was transformed from doctor to patient as he found himself undergoing treatment alongside patients he had cared for.

Over this course of time, Mario has participated in, and read about, a number of research projects that have taken many, many years to translate into practice or have not at all. To him, collaborative research could make the changes in SCI care that he’s been waiting for.

“As a medical practitioner with a background in the field of SCI care and a quadriplegic, I have seen too many research trials struggle from the beginning due to a lack of local participants. For researchers from centres all across the world to connect via SCoRH would increase trial participation, and in turn, fast-track the translation of research into practice. This is very exciting as it could have a major impact on my daily life, and the lives of millions around the world.”

Through his personal experience, Mario advocates for global spinal cord research, in the hope that the outcomes will significantly improve peoples’ lives. We are proud to have him on board as an Ambassador.

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