Travel Grants

Kazi Hoque

Physiotherapist, Bangladesh

The 2017 SCI International Travel Grant was awarded to Kazi Hoque, a clinical physiotherapist at the Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP), Bangladesh. The grant enabled Kazi to attend the 56th International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) Annual Scientific Meeting held in Dublin where he connected with researchers, clinicians and SCI specialists.

Reflecting on the grant, Kazi said it provided him with a great opportunity to enrich his knowledge in the area of SCI, connect with other researchers in his field and present his scientific paper regarding SCI caused by scarf strangulation.

In Bangladesh, scarf strangulation is a serious and widespread problem which occurs when a woman’s head scarf becomes entangled in the wheels of the motorbike she is riding. Kazi’s paper looks at the pattern, causes, characteristics and primary mechanism of these types of serious injury that mostly affect younger females in Bangladesh.

CRP is the one and only rehabilitation centre in Bangladesh that provides comprehensive rehabilitation for people with SCI. Following the conference, Kazi was able to share the knowledge he had gained from the Meeting with his fellow colleagues and students through an in-service program.

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